Our approach makes all the difference


Our approach makes all the difference

We're based inside schools

A small drawing of a school with a door, 5 windows, and a clock at it\'s head

All our workshops are delivered on school premises so that young people have continuous access to our services. Being based onsite ensures that pupils are at ease with the surroundings, allowing them to open up about their experiences without feeling excluded from the wider school community.

We listen and provide guidance

A small drawing of two figures at a table in conversation

Our team are trained professionals with an understanding of the challenges that young people face today. We take the time to listen to their needs, the barriers they face to learning and their goals and aspirations.

We place young people front and centre

A small drawing of a person infront of 4 others in a V formation

In keeping with GIRFEC principles and values, we ensure young people get the right help, at the right time, from the right people. In putting their needs first and prioritising their wellbeing, we ensure young people feel recognised and respected.

We're flexible and adaptable

A small drawing of 3 jigsaw puzzle pieces

RE:SET's approach is built on flexibility and ensuring we adapt our workshops to the needs of individuals. In keeping up to date with the latest research and developments in psychology and neuroscience, we're able to deliver a consistently valuable service to young people and schools.

We take the time to listen to their needs, the barriers they face to learning and their goals and aspirations. In providing tailored guidance, we can help them achieve positive outcomes.

We follow behavioural science

A small drawing of a lightbulb

All our activities are backed by an understanding of the science behind young people's thoughts, feelings and behaviours. By combining science with the practicalities of everyday life, we're able to develop effective relationships with young people, gain their trust, and help them make positive changes.